Tag: headaches

What Type Of Headache Is It?

Research indicates that 66% of the global population suffers from headaches. The International Headache Society has classified over 100 different types of headaches! Thankfully, we can narrow it down to about 4 of the most common types. These include Tension Type Headache, Migraine, Cervicogenic Headache and Cluster Headaches. The following is a list of the… Read more »

Migraine: What They Really Are!

It is estimated that more than 1 of 6 people suffer from migraines. Unfortunately, much is miss understood about migraine; especially assuming it is just a more severe headache than usual. This misconception can lead to misdiagnosis and in some cases unfruitful treatments. The reality is, migraine has its origins as a neurological condition with… Read more »

Your Workstation Could Be The Cause Of Your Pain!

One of the most common causes of headache, neck and back pain can be your office workstation! Sitting hunched over a computer for countless hours every day causes our bodies to stay in a tight rigid position.   This prolonged posture will cause muscle fatigue which can be the first source of pain. After many weeks… Read more »

Are You Stressed?

Are you stressed? Sounds like a dumb question. It seems today everyone is stressed. With the number of “things” happening in our lives on a daily basis it can begin to wear on us and kick in our stress response. The inborn stress response is part of our DNA that helps to deal with threats…. Read more »

Your Neck Could Be The Cause Of Your Headaches

Cervicogenic Headaches Headaches are common among many people. One of the most common causes is structural misaligned spinal bone in the neck that causes irritation of nerves. One study demonstrated that chiropractic care can provide relief for certain types of headache. Headaches that start from your neck are called cervicogenic, and often begin with an… Read more »


Source: American Chiropractic Association If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry… Read more »

Why Choose Chiropractic Care?

Many today are tired of suffering from chronic pain and are looking for safe alternative to drugs or surgery. Quality chiropractic care provides a wonderful option for those suffering from: whiplash, neck or back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder issues, arm or leg pain/numbness and many other conditions. Many research studies have demonstrated that quality… Read more »

3 Types of stress & how it hurts!

How’s your stress level? Headache? Pain across the top of your shoulders? Many people attribute these symptoms to stress. Unfortunately, they also diminish the affect it has on their body and end up causing chronic pain cycles which can be disabling and just plain make life miserable! Researched has revealed that stress can be a… Read more »

Whiplash & Head Injury

Whiplash Can Cause Head Injury One of the more overlooked injuries associated with the whiplash type injury is Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) or  in layman’s terms, concussion. The MTBI does not require a direct blow to the head nor a loss of consciousness. The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine defines MTBI as follows: “A… Read more »