While neck pain is one of the most common complaints with an auto accident, many patients report pain in the jaw after an auto accident. Depending upon the research reviewed, it is estimated that 1 in three to one in 4 whiplash injured patients will develop pain in the jaw. Located just in front of… Read more »
Category: Auto Injury
An Often Overlooked Neurological Injury With Whiplash
Many think a whiplash is just a “simple” strain sprain injury and there should be full recovery in about 8 weeks. Yet evidence shows that up to 40% of persons sustaining neck trauma because of a motor vehicle crash will go on to have chronic persistent problems. (1,2) One often overlooked neurological injury related to… Read more »
Whiplash Neck Injury Causes Vision Problems
It is estimated that 10-40% of people suffering whiplash will develop chronic symptoms.(1) For many, these symptoms include vision problems such as light sensitivity, blurred vision, and poor reading or concentration. While we might think these types of symptoms are common with a concussion, they are also common with neck injury. The control of our… Read more »
Florissant, get the right care for whiplash
Getting the right care for whiplash in Florissant can be a challenge. Accidents are common in a metro area and can result in injuries to our neck and back that produce long term pain. One study found that of people that were rear-ended, 30% were still suffering pain TWO YEARS after the crash! A study… Read more »
Auto Accident: 4 Delayed Symptoms NOT To Ignore!
In most instances, people quickly realize they are injured after an auto accident. Cuts, broken bones and other types of injury usually present with quick clear symptoms as well as pain. Some, however, don’t experience immediate signs of an injury; especially if it to muscles, joints, ligaments or nerves. In many of these instances there… Read more »
Research Show Women More Likely To Be Injured In Collision
The difference in injury rates suffered by female occupants compared to male occupants during auto collisions is receiving an increase in attention. The University of Virginia (UVA) published a report detailing the trauma distribution and injury risk trends in restrained car occupants. The researchers used data from the US Department of Transportation National Automotive Sampling… Read more »
Permanent Neck Weakness From Whiplash Injury
Research demonstrates that you can have permanent neck weakness from a whiplash auto injury. The strength and stability of our neck is due to small bands of tissues called ligaments, which hold the bones of our neck tightly together. These ligaments contain many small nerve fibers that continually send signals to our brain, relaying the… Read more »
Knee Pain Relief With Chiropractic
Knee pain is common as we grow older, our knees can start to show signs of wear and tear. Research has shown that there is an increasing number of middle – age people seeking knee-replacement surgery. While surgical techniques have improved, it is still a costly and invasive surgery. Fortunately, there is evidence that early… Read more »
2 Critical Reasons To Get Care After An Auto Injury
Many people who have been in a “minor” auto injury fail to understand two critical reasons they should seek care! After an auto accident, many times the focus is on the damage to our cars. We worry about when can I get it fixed or how am I going to get to work. While this… Read more »
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: an often-overlooked auto injury.
Many victims suffer pain, tingling or numbness in the arm or hand after an auto accident. Typically, they think there injury injury to the nerves of the neck. In many instances, these symptoms are not due to a neck injury, but a condition called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). The symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)… Read more »