Tag: whiplash

Auto Accident With Minimal Damage & Injury

How Minimal Damage In An Accident Cause An Injury? Many insurance companies have an arbitrary dollar amount, such as $1,000, of property damage before they will take an injury claim serious. Their belief is that if there is minimal damage, the victim cannot have been hurt. However, there are basic principles of physics involved in… Read more »


For those who have been injured in an auto accident, many come to find out quickly that the insurance company is not their friend. Throughout the claim process there are multiple myths that the claims adjuster will throw out there to diminish your injury. Probably the three most common include: Minimal car damage Lack of… Read more »

When That Auto Accident Rings Your Bell!

Why are my ears ringing after my auto accident? Many people who sustain whiplash type injuries from an auto accident experience the common symptoms such as: neck pain, stiffness and headaches. These are due to the damages inflicted upon the structures of the neck including the ligaments, muscles and small neck joints called facets. There… Read more »