Category: Sports Injury & Performance

What Not To Do For Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot pain. The plantar fascia is a web like ligament that runs on the bottom of your foot, from the heel to the ball of your foot. Its purpose is to support the arch of the foot and to act as a shock absorber when pressure or weight… Read more »

Preventing Overuse Injury In Child Athlete

Overuse injury is common among the child athlete. Unfortunately, 50% are preventable with the proper awareness and protocols. The following are some practical steps to take to help prevent overuse injuries. 1) Get an annual pre-participation physical.  It is typical that most high schools and middle schools will require a physical, there are many summer… Read more »

Overuse injury in the child athlete

Overuse injury is common with the child athlete. Dr. Martin Schmaltz, North County Chiropractor, presents 3 signs your child might be developing an overuse injury. More signs are presented as well as what you can do to start treating the overuse injury HERE.

Overuse Injury In The Child Athlete

Overuse injury is a significant risk among children and teenage athletes. Repetitive training and performance can place excessive stress on the developing bones, joints, ligaments and musculature.  Further, the child athlete, coaches and parents may not recognized the signs of an overuse injury.  Sadly, it is estimated that 50% of the overuse injury in the… Read more »

Auto Injury, Concussion & Chiropractic

Chiropractic Can Speed Concussion Recovery Concussion is a common condition associated with auto injury as well as neck injury. Contrary to popular thought, you do not have to hit your head to suffer a concussion. In an auto collision, the rapid jerking of the head forward and back can be enough force to change the… Read more »

Softball Injuries And Prevention

Injuries to young softball players are on the upswing, now nearly as common as baseball injuries, thankfully, they usually result in less competition time lost. The most common injuries involve the shoulder, wrist, hand and the back and are common among all positions. The pitcher, however, experienced different types of injury to the shoulder, back… Read more »

Over Use Injury: Treatment & Prevention

Athletes of all levels who are involved in a variety of sports are aware of the potential for injury. There are two basic types of injuries: acute injuries and over use injuries. Acute injuries are usually the result of a single, traumatic event such as a fall, tackle, hit or rapid twist. This type of… Read more »

Chiropractic And Sports Performance

Numerous elite athletes, including Joe Montana, Tom Brady, Wayne Gretsky, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, and Tiger Woods, have credited chiropractic care with helping them on their path to excellence. These athletes have experienced firsthand the benefits of getting adjusted. An elegant research study by Smith et al in JMPT in 2006(1) demonstrates how a chiropractic… Read more »

Basketball Injuries

Dr. James Naismith, using a soccer ball and two peach baskets, first introduced basketball to the world in 1891. The basketball of today, with its high-speed and physical aggressiveness, scarcely resembles the original game. With this modern style of play, come many opportunities for injury: it is estimated that there are more than 1.6 million… Read more »

Youth Pitching Injuries On The Rise!

Youth pitching injuries are on the rise, based on a 3 year study by Joseph Guettler, M.D. Despite pitching limits, serious injuries have risen to the point they are occurring 16 times more often than 30 years ago! Based on the research, Dr Guettler surmised the following reasons for the increase: 1. Some pitchers pitched… Read more »