Tag: Exercise

Three Simple Steps To A Healthy Back

In my decades of experience treating patients, very few have given much thought to what it takes to have a healthy back. In fact, most do not take very good care of their back. Years of poor work position, poor posture, lack of exercise and stretching can lead you on a path from a healthy… Read more »

Preventing Overuse Injury In Child Athlete

Overuse injury is common among the child athlete. Unfortunately, 50% are preventable with the proper awareness and protocols. The following are some practical steps to take to help prevent overuse injuries. 1) Get an annual pre-participation physical.  It is typical that most high schools and middle schools will require a physical, there are many summer… Read more »

Over Use Injury: Treatment & Prevention

Athletes of all levels who are involved in a variety of sports are aware of the potential for injury. There are two basic types of injuries: acute injuries and over use injuries. Acute injuries are usually the result of a single, traumatic event such as a fall, tackle, hit or rapid twist. This type of… Read more »

6 Steps For Successful New Year Resolution

How To Succeed With Your Resolutions! It’s January, a new year and we vow to make changes! We all want to improve our life: exercise, lose some weight, drop bad habits or any other numerous ideals we want to pursue. Unfortunately, as we all know, many times these resolutions fall by the wayside as the… Read more »

Relax Your Back Office Workout – Chair Squats

Many sedentary jobs slowly cause muscle imbalances to develop in the low back and pelvis. These eventually cause distortions of the normal spinal mechanics of low back. Left untreated, this can produce irritation of the spinal joints, muscles and nerves resulting in various pain patterns. Some of the more common symptoms include: low back and… Read more »

Relax Your Back Office Workout – Seated Leg Lifts

Many sedentary jobs slowly cause muscle imbalances to develop in the low back and hips. These eventually cause distortions of the normal spinal mechanics of low back and pelvis. Left untreated, this can produce irritation of the spinal joints, muscles and nerves resulting in various pain patterns. The most common symptom is low back pain… Read more »