9 Things to do if you are in a car accident

With winter approaching, as many of us are aware, weather in St Louis can change rapidly. It can start out sunny and warm and by afternoon we have rain and thunderstorms.

Unfortunately, with this weather change, rain and snow can bring the increased risk of being involved in a car accident. This not only causes damage to our vehicles, but can cause injuries: especially to the neck or shoulders.

Since no one expects a car accident, when it happens they are usually shaken up. The adrenaline rush can cause a lot of excitement and agitation. That being the case, a well thought out plan on how to respond is a good idea.

Below are 9 steps to consider if you are in a car accident. I would suggest reading them through to prepare yourself. Maybe, even print a copy and put in your glove box to have them handy should you be the victim of a car accident.

Do not leave the scene of a car accident. You should stay and proved the pertinent information to the police and/or other driver(s)

Call 911 or have someone else call. Render first aid if you are qualified. Do not attempt to move anyone who may be hurt. You could cause further injury

Record the details of the accident. Do not discuss details with anyone other than the appropriate authorities. Cooperate with the police in answering their questions. It is recommended that you not sign any papers at the scene except the agreement to appear in court if asked to do so by the police.

You should get the information from any witnesses to the car accident. Ask them to write down name, address and telephone numbers.

You will need to provide your insurance information. Also, make sure you write down the insurance information of the other drivers that were involved. If your smart phone is working, you can take a picture of their insurance card. Just make sure it is in focus.

Your car may not  be drivable after the accident and needs to be towed. If the police call a towing company, you should ask the cost. Tell the driver where to take your car and get their name, address and phone if you are not staying with your car.

If police report lists the other driver at fault, you  will wan to contact their insurance company. If you were the one listed at fault, you should contact your insurance company right away.

If there are suspected fractures, internal injuries, laceration or similar, you should go to the emergency room. If none of these are present, you should still make an appointment to see a physician right away. Due to the initial “shock,” and the adrenaline rush, many people do not realize they are hurt until later in the day or the next morning.

Research has shown that one of the best types of physicians to treat injuries from a car accident is a doctor of chiropractic. One study reported 93% patient improvement and another 74-94% patient improvement.

In many cases, it is recommended to speak with a lawyer before talking with anyone else, especially and insurance adjustor. A qualified attorney can help you navigate the potential land mines of a claim.

If you have any questions about finding a qualified attorney, we can assist you with this.

This article is for general information purposes. It should not be substituted for legal or medical advice. Seek the appropriate expert opinions.